80 x 50

Climate change is an existential threat to humanity, and New York City is particularly vulnerable to its effects. We are committed to combating this threat by reducing our own greenhouse gas emissions.

Challenges & Opportunities

New York City, a city built primarily on islands and with 520 miles of shoreline, is vulnerable to the effects of climate change in a number of ways, including rising sea levels, extreme storms, and heat waves.


To reach 80 x 50 the City must reduce 43 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions: nine million metric tons from power production, seven million metric tons from personal and commercial vehicles, two million metric tons from the disposal of solid waste, and the remaining 25 million metric tons from energy used in buildings.

Develop near-term local actions and long-term regional strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector.

Develop a mode shift action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.

Build upon Zero Waste to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the solid waste sector.

Continue implementation of One City: Built to Last to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings by 30 percent by 2025, and chart a long-term path away from fossil fuels.